Don't you think it's bizarre that Olympian athletes have multiple coaches to support them in their endeavour to win gold, yet entrepreneurs don't have the same level of support as they undergo a similarly herculean effort to succeed in business?

From the get go, I have been deeply curious about the world around me. I felt this incredible urge to explore the planet, the people around me and myself. To this day, I find consciousness and being alive, one of the most mysterious and wondrous things. 

My desire to understand the world and myself led me to travel to 86 countries, learn different mindfulness, somatic and meditation practises, work with different plant medicines, study the mechanics of brain while working at a neural technology company called Kernel, spent 10 weeks at Singularity University learning about exponential technologies, as well as many weeks in the African Bush trekking animals amongst other things. All of these experiences and studies have allowed me to find my own personal truth and perspective on life.

And while I have had a thriving career and life one might say, I have also hit some very difficult times, including a severe burnout. Looking back, these difficult times were some of the most crucial for my life and have taught me so much. Experiencing incredible pain and loss, and then having to work my way through it, has made me more compassionate and patient towards myself. It has also allowed me to really go inwards and prioritize aspects of my life according to them fulfilling me, lighting me up and give me energy versus deplete me. I can say I have reached a point where I have tried and tested enough tools, techniques and hacks, to live my most optimal daily life. 

Doing the “inner work” may just be the hardest work one can do. And yet, I can guarantee you, it is the most rewarding work there is to do. We ultimately become better humans and leaders, to ourselves and to the world. 

What makes me tick:

Travel is a lifelong passion: So far I have travelled to 86 countries, many of which I have spent weeks or months in, crossing the himalayas or trekking through the African Bush filming a documentary. I can't wait to see the rest of the world and immerse myself in diverse cultures and meet people with very different viewpoints.

Spending time in nature and doing all sorts of winter and summer sports in nature.

I am deeply passionate about Bitcoin, what it will do for our monetary system, the future of humanity and each of us individually. 

I love people from all walks of life, their stories, points of view and experiences. its my greatest joy to learn from others and have my mind changed by someone.


I’ll prepare a proposal and walk you through every step of the process.